● 適用于閥板和閥座密封面的研磨。
● 閥板和閥座密封面研磨運動軌跡,既有公轉又有自轉,
● 操作靈活輕便,勞動強度低,一人可值守多臺設備,生產(chǎn)效率高。
Technical performance and feature
● It’s suitable to lap seating surfaces of gate and seat ring.
● A lapping movement of gate and seat ring is either revolution or rotation.
Its surface roughness reaches Ra 0.8 μ and tightness ≥80%
● Easy, simple and reliable operation. A person can operate several lapping
machines with a high efficiency.
2.JWM型 閥瓣和閘板行星研磨機(外觀示意圖) JWM type wedge planet lapping machine (outline schematic figure)